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Designing Public Services for Resilient Neighbourhoods

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About Liveability

Cities face complex social, environmental and economic challenges, including social inequalities, climate change impacts and demographic changes. The necessary transformations should be aligned with the interests of citizens. For this purpose, city administrations need a systemic understanding, innovative ways of thinking and unconventional approaches.  

This is where the Liveability project with eleven partner organisations in six European cities comes in, with the help of Public Interest Design (PID). PID focuses on the concerns of the public. Liveability supports the cities in this process with a "PID Capacity Building Programme". Public services and planning processes are to become more inclusive, responsive and sustainable with the help of the project. The aim is to promote the participation of civil society in the design of administration in order to jointly develop ideas for urban life in the future and make the city more liveable.

The project thus works on the programme objective "Responsive Public Services" of the INTERREG Baltic Sea Programme and has received a funding commitment for a period of three years (01.01.23 - 31.12.25). The Heinrich Böll Foundation SH is the lead partner of the project.


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Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung SH

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