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Creative Circular Cities

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About Creative Circular Cities

The Creative Circular Cities (CCC) project aims to harness the potential of cultural and creative industries to create a holistic circular economy at the local level and promote "circular lifestyles". Six cities from across the Baltic Sea Region will work together to develop circular economy approaches based on the involvement of cultural and creative industries. The results will be compiled into a "CCC Starter Kit", which will serve as a guide for integrating the cultural and creative sector into the circular economy. In addition, a "CCC Roadmap" will promote dialogue with political decision-makers about the potential of these approaches. 

In Kiel, Anschar GmbH and Zero Waste Kiel e.V. are creating model strategies for the arts- and culture-driven circular economy and developing programmes for corresponding business models. The task of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Schleswig-Holstein is to develop cultural and creative tools to promote a circular lifestyle and to test them together with citizens.

This project is funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region, co-financed by the European Union.


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